You can access and play music from your media player through your vehicle's speaker system using the system's media menu or voice commands. You can also sort and play your music by specific categories, for example artist or albums.
SYNC is capable of hosting nearly any media player including: iPod, Zune, Plays from device players, and most USB drives. SYNC also supports audio formats, for example MP3, WMA, WAV and ACC.
Confirm that the USB device has been formatted correctly and has the following specifications:
  • USB 2.0.
  • File format must be FAT16/32.
Note:   NTFS file format is not supported.
The format of the audio files on the USB device must be:
  • MP3.
  • Non DRM protected WMA.
  • WAV.
  • AAC.
Connecting Your Media Player to the USB Port
Note:   If your media player has a power switch, make sure you switch on the device.
To Connect Using Voice Commands
  1. Plug the device into your vehicle's USB port.
  1. Press the voice button and when prompted say:

Voice Command   Action and Description  
(USB [stick] | iPod | MP3 [player])
You can now play music by saying any of the appropriate voice commands. Refer to the media voice commands.  

You do not need to say words that appear within square brackets. For example, for where (USB [stick] | iPOD | MP3 [player]) appears, you can say USB or USB stick.
To Connect Using the System Menu
  1. Plug the device into your vehicle's USB port.
  1. Press the Media button (next to the audio display) until an initializing message appears in the display.

Menu Item   Action and Description  
Browse USB
Depending on how many media files are on your connected device, an indexing message may appear in the display. When indexing is complete, the screen returns to the playback menu.  

Choose from the following:

Menu Item  
Play all
Browse USB
Reset USB

What's Playing?
At any time during playback, you can press the voice button and ask the system what is playing. The system reads the metadata tags of the current track, if populated.
Media Voice Commands
Voice Activation - Speak  Press the voice button and when prompted say:

Voice Command   Action and Description  
(USB [stick] | iPod | MP3 [player])
You can now play music by saying any of the appropriate voice commands.  

You can say any of the voice commands that appear within open and close brackets that are separated by |. For example, where; (what's | what is) appears you say; what's or what is.
You must say any of the voice commands that appear outside of open and close brackets. For example, where; who plays this (what's | what is) playing, you must say; who plays this (what's or what is) playing.

Voice Command   Description and Action  
Pauses device playback.  
Resumes device playback.  
play [album] ___
play all
Play all media on the device from the first track to the last.  
play [artist] ___
play [genre] ___
play [playlist] ___
next [track | title | song | file | podcast | chapter | episode]
Plays the next track on the current media.  
previous [track | title | song | file | podcast | chapter | episode]
Plays the previous track on current media.  
[play] (similar music | more like this)
Creates a play list of similar genre to the one currently playing.  
play [song | track | title | file] ___
repeat off
repeat one [on]
Repeats the current track.  
shuffle [all] [on]
Plays the current play list in a random order. (Not all devices support this command.)  
shuffle off
((who's | who is) this | who plays this | (what's | what is) playing [now] | (what | which) (song | track | artist) is this | (who's | who is) playing | (what's | what is) this)
At any time during playback, you can press the voice button and ask the system what is playing. The system reads the metadata tags (if populated) of the current track.  

___ is a dynamic listing, meaning that it could be the name of anything, such as a group, artist or song. For example you could say "Play artist The Beatles".
Examples of USB Commands
SYNC provides the user with many intuitive ways to find and play a song using voice. For example, if we have a song called "Penny Lane" from the album "Magical Mystery Tour" we can say the following to play this song:
  • Play song "Penny Lane".
  • Play "Penny Lane".
If we wanted to play the entire album, we can say:
  • Play album "Magical Mystery Tour".
  • Play "Magical Mystery Tour".
Bluetooth Audio
The system is also capable of playing music from your cellular phone through Bluetooth.
To switch the Bluetooth audio on, use the MEDIA button (next to the audio display) or Source button, or press the voice button and when prompted say:

Voice Command  
Bluetooth (audio | stereo)

Then any of the following:

Voice Command  
next [track | title | song | file | podcast | chapter | episode]
previous [track | title | song | file | podcast | chapter | episode]

Media Menu Features
The media menu allows you to select how to play your music, for example by artist, genre, shuffle or repeat, and to find similar music or reset the index of your USB devices.
Press MEDIA to select USB playback.

Message   Description and Action  
This will enter the media menu.  

Then any of the following:

Message   Description and Action  
Choose to shuffle or repeat your music. Once you make your choice, it remains on until you switch it off.  
Repeat track
Choose to shuffle or repeat your music. Once you make your choice, it remains on until you switch it off.  
Similar music
You can play similar types of music to the current playlist from the USB port. The system uses the metadata information of each track to compile a playlist. The system then creates a new list of similar tracks and then begins playing. Each track must have the metadata tags populated for this feature. With certain playing devices, if your metadata tags are not populated, the tracks will not be available in voice recognition, the play menu or this option. However, if you place these tracks onto your playing device in mass storage device mode they are available in voice recognition, the play menu or this option. The system places unknowns into any unpopulated metadata tag.  
Reset USB
Resets the USB index. After the new indexing is complete you can choose what to play from the USB song library.  

Accessing Your USB Song Library
  1. Plug the device into your vehicle's USB port.
  1. Press AUX to select USB playback.

Message   Description and Action  
Browse USB
This menu allows you to select and play your media files by artist, album, genre, playlist and track or even to browse what is on your USB device.  

If there are no media files to access, the display indicates there is no media. If there are media files, you have the following options to scroll through and select:

Message   Description and Action  
Play all
Play all indexed media files from your playing device one at a time in numerical order.
  1. Press OK to select. The first track title appears in the display.
Access your playlists from formats, ASX, M3U, WPL or MTP.
  1. Press OK to select.
  2. Scroll to select the desired playlist, and then press OK.
Search for and play a specific indexed track.
  1. Press OK to select.
  2. Scroll to select the desired track, and then press OK.
Sort all indexed media files by artist. Once selected, the system lists and then plays all artists and tracks alphabetically.
  1. Press OK to select.
  2. Scroll to select the desired artist, and then press OK.
Sort all indexed media files by albums.
  1. Press OK to select.
  2. Scroll to select the desired albums, and then press OK.
Sort indexed music by genre type.
  1. Press OK to select.
  2. Scroll to select the desired genre, and then press OK.
Browse USB
Browse all supported media files on your media player connected to the USB port. You can only view media files that are compatible with SYNC; other saved files are not visible.
  1. Press OK to select.
  2. Scroll to browse indexed media files on your flash drive, and then press OK.
Reset USB
Resets the USB index. After the new indexing is complete, you can choose what to play from the USB song library.  

* You can use the buttons at the bottom of the audio display to jump to a certain alphabetical category quickly. You can also use the letters on the numeric keypad to jump in the list.
Using Voice Commands
You can access and view your USB songs using voice commands.
Plug the device into your vehicle's USB port.
Press the voice button and when prompted, say any of the following commands:

Voice Command  
(browse | search | show) all (album | albums)
(browse | search | show) all (artist | artists)
(browse | search | show) all (genre | genres)
(browse | search | show) all (playlist | playlists)
(browse | search | show) all (song | songs | title | titles | file | files | track | tracks)
(browse | search | show) album ___
(browse | search | show) artist ___
(browse | search | show) genre ___
(browse | search | show) playlist ___

Line In Audio
To access the Line in audio source say:

Voice Command  
((line | AV | audio video) in | AUX | audio video)

USB 2 (If Equipped)
Your vehicle may come equipped with an additional USB port. If so, USB 1 is located at the front of the vehicle at the bottom of the instrument panel. USB 2 is located inside the storage compartment of the vehicle's center console.
You can plug in an additional USB device into the second USB port.
Note:   SYNC only supports one connected iOS (Apple) devices at a time (whichever one you plug in first). When you connect a second iOS device, the systems charges it, but does not support playback from it.
Voice Commands for Audio Sources
Voice Activation - Speak  Your voice system allows you to change audio sources with a simple voice command.
Press the voice button and when prompted say:

Voice Command  
(music | audio | entertainment) [system]
Below are a few examples of voice commands you can use.  
[tune [to]] AM
[tune [to]] AM1
[tune [to]] AM (autostore | AST | autoset)
[tune [to]] AM 2
Bluetooth (audio | stereo)
(disc | CD [player]) play
[tune [to]] FM
[tune [to]] FM1
[tune [to]] FM (autostore | AST | autoset) preset ___
[tune [to]] FM 2
((line | AV | audio video) in | AUX | audio video)
(USB [stick] | iPod | MP3 [player])
((who's | who is) this | who plays this | (what's | what is) playing [now] | (what | which) (song | track | artist) is this | (who's | who is) playing | (what's | what is) this)

Radio Voice Commands
Voice Activation - Speak  If you are listening to the radio, press the voice button, and then say any of the commands in the following table.
If you are not listening to the radio, press the voice button and, after the tone, say:

Voice Command  
You can then say any of the following commands.  
[tune [to]] AM
[tune [to]] AM1
[tune [to]] AM (autostore | AST | autoset)
[tune [to]] AM 2
[tune [to]] (AM ___ | ___ [AM])
[tune [to]] AM preset ___
[tune [to]] AM1 preset ___
[tune [to]] FM
[tune [to]] FM1
[tune [to]] FM (autostore | AST | autoset)
[tune [to]] FM 2
[tune [to]] (FM ___ | ___ [FM])
[tune [to]] FM (autostore | AST | autoset) preset ___
[tune [to]] FM preset ___
[tune [to]] FM 2 preset ___
[tune [to]] preset ___
tune [radio]

CD Voice Commands
Voice Activation - Speak  If you are listening to a CD, press the voice button, and then say any of the commands in the following table.
If you are not listening to a CD, press the voice button and, after the tone, say:

Voice Command  
(disc | CD [player]) play
You can then say any of the following commands.  
[play] next track
[play] previous track
[play | change to] track [number] ___
repeat (track | song) [on]
repeat folder [on]
repeat off
(shuffle | random | mix) [on | (tracks | songs) [on]]
(shuffle | random | mix) (CD [player] | disc) [on]
(shuffle | random | mix) folder [on]
shuffle off

*You need to indicate to the system which track or folder to repeat or shuffle when using these commands.
Bluetooth Devices and System Settings
You can access these menus using the audio display.   See   Using SYNC™ With Your Phone