Make sure you have the authorized device within 3 ft (1 m) of the liftgate.
  1. Stand behind your vehicle, and face the liftgate.
  1. Move your foot, in a single-kick motion, without pausing, under and away from the rear bumper detection area.
Kick Activated Tailgate - Kick Zone
  1. The liftgate closes.
Note:   A tone sounds when the liftgate begins to close.
Avoid the following actions when using the hands-free feature:
  • Making physical contact with the bumper.
  • Holding your foot under the bumper.
  • Sweeping your foot from side to side, or kicking at an odd angle.
Detection Zones
Electric Vehicle Kick Zone
The detection area is in the center of the rear bumper.
Note:   Allow the power system to close the liftgate. Manually pushing the liftgate may activate the system’s obstacle detection feature and stop the power operation or reverse its direction, replicate a strut failure, or damage mechanical components.