WARNING   WARNING:  This system does not automatically brake your vehicle. This system is an extra driving aid. It does not replace your attention and judgment, or the need to apply the brakes. If you do not apply the brakes when necessary, you may collide with another vehicle or other objects.

Shifting into drive (D) or reverse (R) does not cause the vehicle to move.
You can press the brake pedal to increase braking. This does not turn the system off.
Trail one pedal drive could apply the parking brake when your vehicle is not moving and not in park (P).
Note:   Always check the transmission selection before accelerating.
Note:   Only use trail one pedal drive on slippery or loose surfaces. Using trail one pedal drive on dry, hard surfaces could produce some vibration, driveline bind up and potential excessive tire and vehicle wear.
Note:   Trail one pedal drive helps get the most from your vehicle in off road situations. On high performance trim levels, trail one pedal drive may feel more aggressive.