Your vehicle has All-Wheel Drive with Dynamic Torque Vectoring. This feature uses all four wheels to power the vehicle and independently controls the torque to each rear wheel. The system also has the ability to over speed the outside rear wheel while cornering. This increases traction and handling performance giving your vehicle road holding capabilities that are superior to conventional two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive vehicles. The system is active all the time and requires no input from the driver. The system has different Drive Mode calibration settings that optimize all-wheel drive performance for various conditions.   See   Drive Control
Your vehicle is not intended for off-road use in the same way as an all-terrain vehicle. The all-wheel drive feature gives your vehicle some limited off-road capabilities where driving surfaces are relatively level, obstruction-free and similar to normal on-road driving conditions. Operating your vehicle under other than those conditions could subject the vehicle to excessive stress which can result in damage not covered by the vehicle Warranty.
The rear drive unit does not require any normal scheduled maintenance. The system is electronically monitored and any required service messages appear in the information display. The rear drive unit lubricants may require changing if you use your vehicle for extended periods of high speed driving, for example track use. You are not required to check or change the rear drive unit lubricant unless there are signs of leakage or a message appears in the information display indicating that the unit requires service.
Using Mismatched Tires or Wheels
WARNING   WARNING:  Only use replacement tires and wheels that are of the same size, load index, speed rating and type as those originally fitted to your vehicle.
WARNING   WARNING:  Using a tire or wheel that is not recommended can affect the safety and performance of your vehicle and could result in a loss of vehicle control, vehicle rollover, personal injury or death.

The recommended tire and wheel size can be found on either the Safety Compliance Certification Label or the tire information label on the left-hand B-pillar or left-hand front door. If this information is not located as stated contact an authorized dealer as soon as possible.
Note:   Using a tire or wheel that is not recommended could cause steering, suspension, axle, power transfer unit or rear drive unit failure. Incorrect tire or wheel use can cause damage not covered by the vehicle Warranty.
Your vehicle does not have a spare tire. We do not recommend using a mismatched tire or spare wheel. However, in an emergency, the system can tolerate a mismatched tire or spare wheel of a different size to the original for a short journey. The system may automatically enter front-wheel drive only mode to protect driveline components. An all-wheel drive off warning message may appear in the information display if you install a mismatched tire or spare wheel.   See   Information Messages.  The message turns off after you reinstall the correct wheel and tire and you switch the ignition off and on. We recommend that you reinstall the repaired or replaced wheel and tire as soon as possible.
Major mismatched tire or wheel sizes between the front and rear axles, for example 18 inch low profile tires on the front axle and 20 inch high profile tires on the rear axle could cause the system to default to front-wheel drive only mode. Damage to the system can occur that may not covered by the vehicle Warranty.
The system can tolerate any combination of new and worn tires of the same original tire size. For example, using three worn tires and one new tire.
Driving in Special Conditions
Your vehicle is capable of being driven on sand, snow, mud or a loose surface. However the operating characteristics are different from conventional off-road vehicles.
Note:   Under severe operating conditions, the air conditioning may turn on and off to protect the engine from overheating.
Basic Operating Principles
WARNING   WARNING:  Be extremely careful when driving on road surfaces that are made slippery by loose sand, water, gravel, snow or ice. Failure to adhere to this warning could result in the loss of vehicle control, serious personal injury or death.

Emergency Maneuvers
If your vehicle goes off the edge of the road, slow down but avoid severe brake application, only ease the vehicle back onto the road after reducing your speed. Do not turn the steering wheel too sharply while returning to the road surface. It may be safer to stay on the apron or shoulder of the road and slow down gradually before returning to the road surface. You may lose control if you do not slow down or if you turn the steering wheel too sharply. It may be better to strike small objects, for example highway reflectors, with minor damage to your vehicle rather than attempt a sudden return to the road surface, which could cause your vehicle to slide sideways out of control or rollover. Remember, your safety and the safety of others should be your primary concern.
In an unavoidable emergency situation where a sudden sharp turn must be made, remember to avoid over-driving your vehicle. Only turn the steering wheel as rapidly and as far as required. Excessive steering results in less vehicle control, not more. Additionally, smooth variations of the accelerator or brake pedal pressure should be utilized if changes in vehicle speed are required. Avoid abrupt steering, acceleration or braking which could result in an increased risk of loss of vehicle control, rollover and personal injury. Use all available road surface to return the vehicle to a safe direction of travel.
If your vehicle goes from one surface type to another, for example from concrete to gravel, there will be a change in the way your vehicle responds to steering, acceleration or braking.
If Your Vehicle Gets Stuck
WARNING   WARNING:  Do not spin the wheels at over 35 mph (56 km/h). The tires may fail and injure a passenger or bystander.

If your vehicle gets stuck in mud or snow it may be rocked out by shifting between forward and reverse gears, stopping between shifts, in a steady pattern. Press lightly on the accelerator in each gear.
If your vehicle is stuck in mud or snow, switching traction control off may be beneficial while attempting to rock your vehicle.
Note:   Do not rock the vehicle if the engine is not at normal operating temperature or damage to the transmission may occur.
Note:   Do not rock the vehicle for more than a few minutes or damage to the transmission and tires may occur or the engine may overheat.
Most of the time traction control improves tire traction by managing wheel slip through brake, engine, and all-wheel drive calibrations. However, during low speed driving, disabling traction control in deep sand can help keep the wheels moving to maintain vehicle momentum.
When driving over sand, try to keep all four wheels on the most solid area of the trail. Do not reduce tire pressures, shift to a lower gear and drive steadily through the terrain. Apply the accelerator slowly and avoid spinning the wheels.
When driving at slow speeds in sand under high outside temperatures, use a low gear when possible. Using a low gear maximizes engine and transmission cooling capability.
Avoid excessive speed because vehicle momentum can work against you and cause the vehicle to become stuck to the point that assistance may be required from another vehicle. Remember, you may be able to back out the way you came if you proceed with caution.
Note:   You may be able to reverse out the way you came if you proceed with caution.
Do not drive your vehicle in deep sand for an extended period of time. This could cause the system to overheat and default to front-wheel drive only mode. If this occurs a message appears in the information display. To resume normal all-wheel drive function as soon as possible, stop the vehicle in a safe location and switch the engine off for at least 10 minutes. After the all-wheel drive system has adequately cooled and the engine has been restarted, the message turns off and normal all-wheel drive function returns. If you do not switch the engine off, the message only turns off, when the system adequately cools and the normal all-wheel drive function returns.
Note:   Under severe operating conditions, the air conditioning may turn on and off to protect the engine from overheating.
Mud and Water
If you must drive through water, drive slowly. Traction or brake capability may be limited.   See   Driving Through Water
Once through water, always try the brakes. Wet brakes do not stop the vehicle as effectively as dry brakes. Drying can be improved by moving your vehicle slowly while applying light pressure on the brake pedal.
Be cautious of sudden changes in vehicle speed or direction when you are driving in mud. Even all-wheel drive vehicles can lose traction in slick mud. Apply the accelerator slowly and avoid spinning the wheels.
After driving through mud, clean off excessive mud that has become stuck to rotating drive shafts, wheels and tires. Excessive mud stuck on these components may result in an imbalance that could cause damage not covered by the vehicle Warranty.
If the transmission, power transfer unit or rear drive unit is submerged in water have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
Hilly or Sloping Terrain
WARNING   WARNING:  Avoid driving across or turning on steep hilly or sloping terrain. Your vehicle may lose traction and slip sideways increasing the risk of rolling over. When driving on steep hilly or sloping terrain, determine your route beforehand. Do not drive over the crest of a hill without assessing what conditions are on the other side. Do not reverse over a hill without the aid of an observer.

Although natural obstacles may make it necessary to travel diagonally up or down a hill or steep incline, you should always try to drive straight up or straight down.
Apply just enough power to the wheels to climb the hill. Too much power will cause the tires to slip, spin or lose traction, resulting in loss of vehicle control.
When climbing a steep hill or slope, start in a lower gear rather than downshifting to a lower gear from a higher gear once the ascent has started. This reduces strain on the engine and the possibility of stalling.
Note:   If your vehicle stalls, do not try to turn around as your vehicle may lose traction and slip sideways increasing the risk of rolling over. It is better to reverse down to a safe location.
When descending a steep hill or slope, start in a lower gear rather than downshifting to a lower gear from a higher gear once the descent has started. Do not descend a steep hill or slope in neutral. Avoid excessive brake application as this causes the brakes to overheat. When descending a steep hill or slope, avoid sudden hard braking as you could lose control. The front wheels must rotate in order to steer your vehicle. Your vehicle has anti-lock brakes, therefore apply the brakes steadily. Do not pump the brake pedal.
Snow and Ice
WARNING   WARNING:  If you are driving in slippery conditions that require tire chains or cables, then it is critical that you drive cautiously. Keep speeds down, allow for longer stopping distances and avoid aggressive steering to reduce the chances of a loss of vehicle control, personal injury or death.

Note:   The original equipment tires on your vehicle are designed to optimize the performance of your vehicle in dry or wet summer road conditions. We recommend using a dedicated set of winter tires in snow and ice conditions. Do not mix summer performance tires with winter tires on your vehicle.   See   Using Winter Tires
All-wheel drive vehicles have advantages over two-wheel drive vehicles in snow and ice but can skid like any other vehicle.
ADirection of travel.
BSteering wheel rotation.
If the rear of your vehicle starts to oversteer and slide on snow or icy roads, turn the steering wheel in the direction of travel as shown above to help regain control.
Note:   Excessive tire slippage can cause driveline damage.
Avoid sudden applications of power and quick changes of direction while driving on snow or icy roads. Apply the accelerator slowly and steadily when starting from a full stop.
Avoid sudden braking while driving on snow or icy roads. Although your vehicle may accelerate better than a two-wheel drive vehicle on snow and ice, stopping distances are not reduced. Make sure you allow sufficient distance for stopping. Drive slower than usual and consider using a lower gear. Your vehicle has anti-lock brakes, therefore apply the brakes steadily. Do not pump the brake pedal.