WARNING   WARNING:  Do not drive through flowing or deep water as you may lose control of your vehicle.

Note:   Engine damage can occur if water enters the air filter.
For Vehicles without Tremor Off-Road Package
Note:   Driving through standing water can cause vehicle damage.
Note:   Drive through water in an emergency only and not as part of normal driving.
Before driving through standing water, check the depth. Never drive through water that is higher than the bottom of the wheel hubs.
Driving Through Water Level
When driving through standing water, drive very slowly and do not stop your vehicle. Your brake performance and traction may be limited. After driving through water and as soon as it is safe to do so:
  • Lightly press the brake pedal to dry the brakes and to check that they work.
  • Check that the horn works.
  • Check that the exterior lights work.
  • Turn the steering wheel to check that the steering power assist works.
For Vehicles with Tremor Off-Road Package
Your vehicle equipped with Tremor Off-Road package is capable of traveling through water at a maximum depth of 33 in (837 mm). When driving through standing water do not exceed crawl speed of 4 mph (7 km/h).
  • Always determine the depth before attempting a water crossing.
  • Proceed slowly and avoid splashing water any more than is necessary. As the water depth increases, vehicle speed must be reduced to avoid potential vehicle damage.
  • Be aware that obstacles and debris may be beneath the water’s surface.
  • Keep the doors fully closed during the water crossing.
  • Upon completion of the water crossing, slowly drive a short distance and check the brakes for full effectiveness.

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