WARNING   WARNING:  Making modifications to various parts, components and systems of the vehicle, such as brake and steering systems, can adversely affect the quality, reliability and operation of your vehicle and could result in property damage, personal injury or death. Such modifications must be avoided.
WARNING   WARNING:  Failure to properly perform maintenance and servicing procedures could result in vehicle damage, personal injury or death.
WARNING   WARNING:  Take care when performing any maintenance, system check or service on your vehicle. Some of the materials may also be hazardous if used, serviced or handled improperly and could result in property damage, personal injury or death.

If the owner or operator of the vehicle is a skilled technician and intends on performing the vehicle maintenance and service, he is strongly urged to purchase a service manual.
Always use care when performing vehicle maintenance, repairs or system checks. Improper or incomplete service could result in your vehicle not working properly which may result in personal injury or damage to your vehicle or equipment. It is the operator’s responsibility to see that your vehicle receives proper care and maintenance. If you have any questions about performing service, have the service done by a qualified technician.
To help you service your vehicle, we provide scheduled maintenance information which makes tracking routine service easy.   See   Scheduled Maintenance
If your vehicle requires professional service, an authorized dealer can provide the necessary parts and service. Check your warranty information to find out which parts and services are covered.
Use only recommended fuels, lubricants, fluids and service parts conforming to specifications. Motorcraft® parts are designed and built to provide the best performance in your vehicle.
Servicing Guidelines
WARNING   WARNING:  The use of inferior parts can adversely affect the quality and reliability of your vehicle and could result in property damage, personal injury or death.

When servicing your vehicle:
  • Always wear safety glasses for eye protection.
  • Always set the parking brake or chock the wheels.
  • Always use support stands, not a jack, when working under a raised vehicle.
  • Always turn off the ignition unless a procedure requires the engine to be running.
  • Always avoid contact with hot metal parts. Allow the components to cool before working with, or around, them.
  • Always operate the engine in a well-ventilated area.
  • Do not wear loose-fitting clothing, hanging jewelry, watches or rings.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Do not work on the brakes or the clutch unless you take the proper precautions to avoid inhaling friction material dust.
Quality service parts are available through an authorized dealer. If dealer parts are not used, make sure the replacement parts are of equivalent quality.
Working with the Engine Off
  1. Set the parking brake and shift to neutral (N) or park (P).
  1. Switch off the engine.
  1. Block the wheels.
Working with the Engine On
WARNING   WARNING:  To reduce the risk of vehicle damage and/or personal burn injuries, do not start your engine with the air cleaner removed and do not remove it while the engine is running.

  1. Set the parking brake and shift to neutral (N) or park (P).
  1. Block the wheels
Supporting Your Vehicle for Service
WARNING   WARNING:  Do not use a jack when working under a vehicle. It may give way, causing the vehicle to fall and result in property damage, personal injury or death. Always use floor stands to support the vehicle.

Prepare your vehicle for service repairs by doing the following:
  1. Park your vehicle on a level, concrete floor.
  1. Set the parking brake and block the wheels to prevent your vehicle from moving.
  1. Select a jack with a rated capacity sufficient to lift and hold up your vehicle.
  1. Raise your vehicle with the jack applied to the axle(s). Do not use the bumper as a lifting point.
  1. Support your vehicle with floor stands under the axle(s). When servicing the axle or the suspension, support your vehicle with floor stands under the frame side-members, preferably between the axles.

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