Heater Only System (If Equipped)
Heating Controls
Note:   Depending on your vehicle option package, the controls may look different from what you see here.
Directing the Air
Turn the control to direct the air.
VENT Icon  Direct air to the instrument panel air vents. FLR Icon  Direct air to the footwell air vents.
Mix Icon  Direct air to the instrument panel and footwell air vents.Windshield Airflow Climate Control  Direct air to the windshield air vents. You can also use this setting to defog and clear the windshield of a thin covering of ice.
Setting the Blower Motor Speed
Ventilation Fan  Turn the control to adjust the volume of air circulated in the vehicle.
Setting the Temperature
COOL Icon  Warm Icon 
Turn the control to set the temperature.
Switching the Heater On and Off
OFF Icon  Turn the control.
Manual Climate Control (If Equipped)
Manual Climate Control
Note:   Depending on your vehicle option package, the controls may look different from what you see here.
Directing the Air
Turn the control to direct the air.
VENT Icon  Direct air to the instrument panel air vents. FLR Icon  Direct air to the footwell air vents.
Mix Icon  Direct air to the instrument panel and footwell air vents.Windshield Airflow Climate Control  Direct air to the windshield air vents. You can also use this setting to defog and clear the windshield of a thin covering of ice.
Switching the Air Conditioning On and Off
Norm A/C Icon  Turn to switch the air conditioning on or off.
Switching Maximum Air Conditioning On and Off
Maximum Air Conditioning  Turn the control for maximum cooling.
Recirculated air flows through the instrument panel vents and air conditioning turns on.
Setting the Blower Motor Speed
Ventilation Fan  Turn the control to adjust the volume of air circulated in the vehicle.
Setting the Temperature
COOL Icon  Warm Icon 
Turn the control to set the temperature.
Switching the Climate Control On and Off
OFF Icon  Turn the control.