WARNING   WARNING:  Modifying or adding equipment to the front of your vehicle could affect the performance of the airbag system, increasing the risk of injury. This includes the hood, bumper system, frame, front body structure, tow hooks, hood pins, push bar and snowplows.
WARNING   WARNING:  Do not attempt to service, repair, or modify the supplementary restraint system or associated components. Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury or death.
WARNING   WARNING:  All occupants of your vehicle, including the driver, should always properly wear their seatbelts, even when an airbag supplemental restraint system is provided. Failure to properly wear your seatbelt could seriously increase the risk of injury or death.
WARNING   WARNING:  Do not spin the wheels at over 34 mph (55 km/h). The tires may fail and injure a passenger or bystander.

Note:   Look for an alterer’s label on your vehicle from the snowplow installer certifying that the installation meets all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS).
Note:   Federal and some local regulations require additional exterior lamps for snowplow-equipped vehicles. Contact an authorized dealer for additional information.
Note:   Do not remove or defeat the tripping mechanisms designed into the snow removal equipment by its manufacturer. Doing so could cause damage to your vehicle and the snow removal equipment as well as possible airbag deployment.

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