WARNING   WARNING:  Batteries normally produce explosive gases which can cause personal injury. Therefore, do not allow flames, sparks or lighted substances to come near the battery. When working near the battery, always shield your face and protect your eyes. Always provide correct ventilation.
WARNING   WARNING:  Keep batteries out of reach of children. Batteries contain sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Shield your eyes when working near the battery to protect against possible splashing of acid solution. In case of acid contact with skin or eyes, flush immediately with water for a minimum of 15 minutes and get prompt medical attention. If acid is swallowed, call a physician immediately.
WARNING   WARNING:  Use only adequately sized cables with insulated clamps.
WARNING   WARNING:  Make sure that the cables are clear of any moving parts and fuel delivery system parts.
WARNING   WARNING:  Connect batteries with only the same nominal voltage.
WARNING   WARNING:  Using the jump leads incorrectly or completing the jump start procedure incorrectly can cause the battery to explode, which can lead to severe injuries.
WARNING   WARNING:  All work on the vehicle battery and the electrical system can cause serious chemical burns, fire or electric shocks. Always read the warnings and safety information before carrying out any kind of work on the battery
WARNING   WARNING:  Never charge a 12-volt vehicle battery once it has been frozen. Discharged 12-volt vehicle batteries can even freeze at temperatures of approximately 0°C (+32°F).
WARNING   WARNING:  The battery should be replaced if it is or has ever been frozen.
WARNING   WARNING:  A highly explosive mixture of gases is given off when the vehicle battery is jump started. Always keep fire, sparks, naked flames and lit cigarettes away from the vehicle battery. Never use a mobile telephone when the jump leads are being connected or disconnected.
WARNING   WARNING:  Only charge the battery in a well-ventilated space as the battery emits a highly explosive mixture of gases when the vehicle is being jump started.
WARNING   WARNING:  Never confuse the negative and positive terminals or connect the jump leads incorrectly.
WARNING   WARNING:  Observe the jump lead manufacturer's instructions.
WARNING   WARNING:  If the engine is running while the hood is open, stay clear of moving engine components. Failure to follow this warning could result in serious personal injury or death.

Do not attempt to push-start an automatic transmission vehicle. This could cause transmission damage.
Do not disconnect the battery of the disabled vehicle when jump starting the vehicle. This could damage your vehicle's electrical system.

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