When accelerating or maintaining speed, a blue or white solid bar displays. This indicates vehicle power. A blue rectangular box could also display that shows the power level that the engine turns on at.
When the power level displays in the rectangular box, it is blue which indicates you are in electric only operation.
When the power level displays outside of the rectangular box, it is white which indicates you are in hybrid operation.
When you are decelerating, either releasing the accelerator pedal or applying the brake, you see a green or white solid bar which indicates the power being used to slow your vehicle down. A green rectangular box could also display that shows the amount of power that can be recaptured by the regenerative braking system and returned to the high voltage battery.
When the power level displays in the rectangular box, it is green which indicates that the regenerative braking system is being used to slow down your vehicle and return the maximum amount of energy to the high voltage battery.
When the power level displays outside of the rectangular box, it is white which indicates both regenerative and conventional braking systems are in use.

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