Do not attempt to remove the charge coupler before it is unlocked. Do not use any kind of tool to try and remove a locked charge coupler. Doing so can lead to damage to your vehicle and the charge coupler.
- Push the coupler unlock button and remove the coupler handle from the vehicle.
- Close the dust cap for the additional lower connectors.
You can also unlock the cord through the vehicle touchscreen. If the cord still does not unlock, please contact roadside assistance.
Your vehicle will not shift out of park (P) until the handle is removed.
- Press the center right edge of the charge port door to close.
Charge Coupler Manual Release
In the event that your vehicle does not unlock the charge coupler, you can manually release it.
Releasing the charge coupler:
- Key off your vehicle.
- Open the hood.
- Remove inner luggage compartment shields. See
Installing and Removing the Luggage Compartment Cover.
- Open the low voltage service disconnect.
- Locate manual release mechanism.
- Between the gap of the hood and windshield, access the manual release mechanism and pull the pull ring perpendicularly towards the center of your vehicle.
- Remove the charge coupler from the charge port.
- Close the low voltage service disconnect.
- Reinstall the inner luggage compartment shields. See
Installing and Removing the Luggage Compartment Cover.
- Close the Hood.