Car wash chemicals and environmental fallout can result in windshield and wiper blade contamination. Dirty windshield and wipers will result in poor windshield wiper operation. Keep the windshield and wiper blades clean to maintain windshield wiper performance.
To clean the windshield and wiper blades:
  • Clean the windshield with a non-abrasive glass cleaner. When cleaning the interior of the windshield, avoid getting any glass cleaner on the instrument panel or door panels. Wipe any glass cleaner off these surfaces immediately.
  • For windshields contaminated with tree sap, chemicals, wax or bugs, clean the entire windshield using steel wool (no greater than 0000 grade) in a circular motion and rinse with water.
  • Clean the wiper blades with isopropyl rubbing alcohol or windshield washer concentrate.
Note:   Do not use razor blades or other sharp objects to clean or remove decals from the inside of the heated rear window.The vehicle warranty does not cover damage caused to the heated rear window grid lines.

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  • Your feedback will be investigated, and any necessary changes will be updated in the online Owner's Manual. 


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