This menu becomes available after pairing a phone.
Recent Call List
Display and select an entry from a list of previous calls.
Display a smart search form to look up your contacts. Use the List button to alphabetically sort your contacts.
Display the list of favorite contacts that are set up on your phone.
Displays the list of text messages to read, listen to, or respond to.
Displays the list of emails to read, listen to, or respond to.
Phone List
Display the list of paired or connected devices that you can select.
Note:   Up to 12 devices can be stored.
Do Not Disturb
Reject incoming calls and switch ring tones and alerts off.
Phone Keypad
Directly dial a number.
Voice Control
Press the button and say a command to use the Google or Siri voice assistant available on your connected phone to access supported features.
Note:   Some features under the phone menu may not be available if the feature is not supported through the phone.

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  • Please note that Ford will not respond to individual feedback.
  • Please provide detailed feedback regarding any inaccuracies in the content or any missing content in the Owner's Manual.
  • Your feedback will be investigated, and any necessary changes will be updated in the online Owner's Manual. 


Your input is valuable in helping us improve our Owner's Manual. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.
