WARNING   WARNING:  Switching off the engine when your vehicle is still moving results in a significant decrease in braking assistance. Higher effort is required to apply the brakes and to stop your vehicle. A significant decrease in steering assistance could also occur. The steering does not lock, but higher effort could be required to steer your vehicle. When you switch the ignition off, some electrical circuits, for example airbags, also turn off. If you unintentionally switch the ignition off, shift into neutral (N) and restart the engine.

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  1. Press and hold the push button ignition switch until the engine stops, or press it three times within two seconds.
  1. Shift into neutral (N) and use the brakes to bring your vehicle to a safe stop.
  1. Shift into park (P).
  1. Apply the parking brake.

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  • Please provide detailed feedback regarding any inaccuracies in the content or any missing content in the Owner's Manual.
  • Your feedback will be investigated, and any necessary changes will be updated in the online Owner's Manual. 


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