WARNING   WARNING:  Exceeding these ratings by overloading can cause component failure resulting in property damage, personal injury or death.

Fluid Temperature
If the operating temperature exceeds 250 °F (121 °C), the rate of axle lubrication oxidation increases and shortens the life of the lubricant and seals, requiring axle lubrication changes to become more frequent to preserve the axle. Do not consistently run extreme pressure (EP) lubricants above 250 °F (121 °C).
Axle Conversions
WARNING   WARNING:  When operating a loaded vehicle, the driver must keep all adjustable axles on the ground at all times, supporting their share of the vehicle’s load. Failure to do so can overload other axles, tires, wheels, springs, steering components, brakes and frames, resulting in early component failure, loss of vehicle control, possible property damage and personal injury.

We do not recommend, or approve, performing axle conversions. However, we understand that, on occasion, others install aftermarket add-on axles on the truck chassis that allow operator control for weight transfer from other axles (such as air lift axles).

Owner's Manual Feedback

  • Please note that Ford will not respond to individual feedback.
  • Please provide detailed feedback regarding any inaccuracies in the content or any missing content in the Owner's Manual.
  • Your feedback will be investigated, and any necessary changes will be updated in the online Owner's Manual. 


Your input is valuable in helping us improve our Owner's Manual. Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback.
